
Upload and Deliver Etickets

Most Orders that are confirmed through our system can be fulfilled by you. Learn how to upload e-tickets in Core via the steps below.

Open the specific Order that requires Etickets be uploaded

Review the Event & Ticket Info section to ensure you have selected the right order. You will see a notice on the Order informing you "Upload & Finalize Etickets to deliver tickets."

Click on Upload Etickets

You will then be prompted to click and select the file from your computer or drag and drop the file into the Eticket Upload area.

Once you have uploaded your PDF File, you will be prompted to select the specific pages that you wish to upload to the Order. Click each PDF page and once all pages are selected, click the Commit selected Pages as Tickets button to Confirm your Etickets on the Order.

 Is there a parking pass or additional tickets that need to be uploaded?

Core now lets brokers customize uploads.  By checking the box "Allow more or less pages than tickets" parking passes, that are included with a purchase, or tickets that contain multiple pages (weekend/festival passes) can be uploaded in addition to the seats.

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