create a ticket order via API

In the PHP demo code the createOrder method is listed as not yet functional.

If I try to access the API method manually, similar to the example given in the API documentation, the returned result is {"error":"Unauthorized"}

(Example from http://api.ticketevolution.com/#orders)

curl -i \ -H Accept: application/vnd.ticketevolution.api+json; version=6 \ -H X-Signature: jbUk4nFdrYe4q6gHRS9T5tfONac2091ARevZxwdYcYk= \ -H X-Token: 7187e7dea9d91723b59ee8bfe19bb8fd \ -d '{"orders":[{"items":[{"price":"45.0","ticket_group_id":"43","quantity":2}],"buyer_id":"40"}]}' 'http://api.ticketevolution.com/orders'

Is the create order method working? If so, what might I have done wrong to receive the unauthorized error message (Yes I did substitute my security token, API key and buyer id for the ones used in the example above).

If the method is not functional yet, is there an ETA for when this will be ready?


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