Web site integration

I do I integrate you ticket plugin on a web site. Please provide detail examples in javascript, html or php. If your system does not support these code languages please direct me to a place where I can get a good tutorial on how to implement the plugin.

Hi Michele,

Please visit http://api.ticketevolution.com for the samples and documentation.

Also take a look at http://support.ticketevolution.com where you'll find a wealth of API info in the Community Forum

I am not a programmer so I have no clue how to set up this...is there someone that can help me. What is Curl?? and how to I implement this in a web page?




* category_id

* configuration_id

* venue_id

* name

* occurs_at

* performances[performer_id]

* updated_at


curl -i \

-H Accept: application/vnd.ticketevolution.api+json; version=6 \

-H X-Signature: TxxW6/yQiWdjsFyiykLY1jKTZoKIV3TYkuq47pkFb5Q= \

-H X-Token: addc1cd224f58db101110f8b74472b3d \

' http://api.ticketevolution.com/events?per_page=1'

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

ETag: "2872b10075b0e0b78d95f388f01daf70"

X-UA-Compatible: IE=Edge,chrome=1

Content-Type: application/vnd.ticketevolution.api+json; version=6; charset=utf-8

X-Runtime: 0.081728

Cache-Control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate



"total_entries": 1,

"events": [


"name": "Beatae Dolor Et",

"products_count": 6,

"category": {

"parent": {

"parent": null,

"url": "/categories/763",

"id": "763"


"url": "/categories/764",

"id": "764"


"updated_at": "2011-08-03T13:26:01Z",

"url": "/events/727",

"occurs_at": "2011-10-30T13:26:00Z",

"id": "727",

"performances": [


"primary": false,

"performer": {

"url": "/performers/211",

"id": "211"




"venue": {

"name": "Possimus Rerum Velit",

"location": "West Scottie, GA",

"url": "/venues/736",

"id": "736"


"configuration": {

"name": "Quia Quisquam Tempora",

"fanvenues_key": "14",

"url": "/configurations/727",

"id": "727",

"seating_chart": {

"large": "http:/media.example.ticketevolution.com/configurations/static_maps/727/large.png?1312377958",

"medium": "http:/media.example.ticketevolution.com/configurations/static_maps/727/medium.png?1312377958"



"state": "shown"



"per_page": 1,

"current_page": 1



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