ListEvents occurs_at object


The way the object is returned at occurs_at seems weird, seems there is no way to access the elements on the object

I just want to access the values of [_unixTimestamp:Zend_Date_DateObject:private and _timezone:Zend_Date_DateObject:private but always is being returned as blank even having it on the array... I'm using php 5.3 using get_object_vars or trying to access it via regular array component...

please advice

[occurs_at] => TicketEvolution_Date Object


[_locale:TicketEvolution_Date:private] =>

[_fractional:TicketEvolution_Date:private] => 0

[_precision:TicketEvolution_Date:private] => 3

[_locale:Zend_Date:private] => en_US

[_fractional:Zend_Date:private] => 0

[_precision:Zend_Date:private] => 3

[_unixTimestamp:Zend_Date_DateObject:private] => 1348531200

[_timezone:Zend_Date_DateObject:private] => Etc/UTC

[_offset:Zend_Date_DateObject:private] => 0

[_syncronised:Zend_Date_DateObject:private] => 0

[_dst:protected] => 1


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